April 19, 2024


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Hemp seed oil

3 min read

Hemp seed oil comes from the tall growing varieties of cannabis. However, it does not contain THC – the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana. Despite this fact, competing industries saw hemp seed oil as a threat. They enacted a smear campaign against the oil, associating hemp with marijuana and getting “high”. Then when Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, the decline of hemp effectively began. The tax and licensing regulations of the act made hemp cultivation nearly impossible for American farmers.

Today, things have changed, in that hemp oil and marijuana are considered two distinct things. In most countries, there are regulations which call for a cap on the highest detectable limit of THC in hemp oil. While many people still confuse the two, ingesting hemp oil or using it on your skin won’t cause you to get high. It does, however, offer some powerful health benefits when used both internally and externally.

Research has found that hemp contains all of the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids that are necessary for human life. It also contains a unique protein called globule edestin which is similar to globulin in human blood plasma. Hemp seed oil possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Hemp is also considered to be the most balanced oil for nutrition found in nature and it is easily digestible, too. All of this combined together, provides many wonderful benefits for health as well as beauty, inside and out

Use Hemp Seed Oil To Heal Skin Conditions

Hemp seed oil has also been found to help heal skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and other rashes. The oil’s fatty acids are believed to affect immune responses in the body which helps to promote healing. This is also likely due to the oil’s perfect balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

For the most effective relief, use hemp seed oil both internally and externally. Studies have shown that consuming the oil helps improve blood levels of essential fatty acids which can help speed healing from within. Additionally, applying hemp seed oil to the skin can relieve dryness and itchiness, reducing the need for medications.

Hemp seed oil is great to use on the skin for a more beautiful complexion. It is easily absorbed, moisturizing without being greasy. Also, the oil can help to clean and detoxify skin, as well as even out skin tone.

Unlike many other oils, hemp seed nourishes dry skin without sticking to it. Thus it won’t clog pores as easily as other heavier oils. So if you’re looking for a good moisturizer that doesn’t leave a greasy residue, you’d do well to consider hemp seed oil.

Furthermore, hemp seed oil is similar to our skin’s own natural lipids. Thus it is able to penetrate cells to deeply moisturize both the epidermis and subdermal layers.

  1. Hemp Oil Helps Maintain a Hormonal Balance: Hemp is the only edible seed that contains gamma-linolenic acid, which is eventually converted to the protective hormone prostaglandin PGE1 that regulates the hormonal balance and supports menopausal health.                                                            Hemp Oil Helps Lower Cholesterol: The only vegetable oil to contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (3:1), hemp oil can help lower cholesterol levels by accelerating metabolic processes. With a faster metabolism, fats burn at a quicker rate and are not deposited on the artery walls.
  2. Hemp Oil Can Be Good For Diabetics: Due to its low carbohydrate and sugar content, hemp oil is can be a great food additive for diabetics. The nutrients present in it can help moderate blood sugar levels.
  3. Hemp Oil Can Help Prevent Psoriasis: Psoriasis is caused by a deficiency of omega-6 fatty acids in the body. The fatty acids present in hemp oil help improve skin oxygenation and hydration.
  4. Hemp Oil Can Boost Your Immunity: Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids also improve immunity and regulate intestinal flora, thus building a natural barrier against microbes and increasing the resilience of the body.
  5. Hemp Oil Helps Prevent Demyelination Of Nervous System: Essential fatty acids are necessary for a healthy cell membrane structure. They also prevent the demyelination, the destruction of the myelin sheath (a membrane that protects the nerve cells).
  6. Hemp Oil Can Help Prevent Varicose Veins: Like other compounds high in omega-3s, hemp oil can thin your blood, reducing blood clots and varicose veins.


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